Thursday, January 29, 2009

Will I?

You Will Keep Your New Year's Resolution

You planning on making a resolution that's smart, attainable, and perfect for where your life is.

Will You Keep Your New Year's Resolution?

Well, I'm not sure how accurate that is since I don't actually make resolutions, but it was fun!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I'm it! Thanks Jennifer! ;)

Ok, I'll confess. This isn't the 6th picture from the 6th file. I don't have a 6th file yet since I'm using a new computer. So, this picture of JP attempting to shovel the walk for me on 12/22/08 is technically the 7th picture from the 5th file that's inside the 1st file. Clear as mud, right?

So as I said, JP made a valiant effort to help me out by shoveling our walkway so that the UPS guy could get to the door. Unfortunately for both of us, the shovel was too big for JP's 4'3½" body to handle, so I had to go out and do the shoveling.

It was pointless in the long run since my package (a new 50mm 1.4 lens for my camera) was delayed due to weather in another state.

Thanks Jennifer! That was fun!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cupcakes? Eeeeeeeeeeeew!

My favorite cupcake would be made completely of buttercream frosting. Yes, that's right, frosting only. Whether it's sliced from a larger cake or in a small cupcake paper, I do not eat cake. I can't recall a time in my life when I actually enjoyed cake or cupcakes. So, hand me the frosting and it'll be ok!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Shopping? Eh, only if it's on the cheap...

You Are a Discount Shopper

You love to get things as cheaply as possible. You live for sales.

It's partially because you like to save money, but it's also because you like the thrill of finding a fabulous deal.

Of all the types, you tend to shop frequently but rarely by. You keep an eye on prices.

Brand names are not that important to you. You know how to have style without collecting designer tags.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

SSD FOBTY: Snow Test...

Your Snow Test Says You're Independent

You feel like something good will happen to you in the next few weeks.

You love to work, especially when work is creative. You have the makings of a successful artist.

You are an independent, individualistic person. You thrive when you're doing your own thing.

Your biggest worry in your life is your own safety. You fear death and getting hurt.

When it comes time to relax, you really indulge. You are all about your favorite comforts.


Maybe I'm a major spoilsport, but I truly don't believe that making resolutions for the new year do anything for me. Several years ago, when J was still a baby, I promised to not make any more resolutions. I'd never kept one, and doubted that I ever would. I've saved lots of time and worry by not making resolutions.

Goals though, I have goals. My biggest goal for my life, not just this year, is to get to a healthy weight again. My 35th birthday is coming up in August, and I hoping that I can reach a goal of at least 50# lost by then. It's definitely doable, I just need to figure out my best approach to it.

I have more goals. Weight loss is just the most pressing goal that I have at this time.